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For Immediate Release --- January 16th, 2024
For More Information Contact: Commissioner Carrie Blumert at (405) 713-1501
Oklahoma County - Oklahoma County Commissioner Carrie Blumert is 1 of 16 leaders nationwide who have been selected to join The Center for Community Investment's 2024-2025 class of Fulcrum Fellows.
The Fulcrum Fellows program aims to provide professional support to the most promising leaders in housing, climate resilience, philanthropy, and community and economic development nationwide.
The 13-month program will be a mix of virtual and in-person training allowing participants to enhance their knowledge and skills in community investment, racial equity, and adaptive leadership. Upon completion of the program, Blumert said she hopes to, “use the tools and information gained to continue creating positive progress in the communities she represents.”
Blumert added the program’s goals align with her long-standing interest in exploring ways to further community investment, particularly in the areas of affordable housing and mental health care. Blumert holds a Masters of Public Health degree from the University of Oklahoma Hudson College of Public Health.
“I am excited to work alongside other leaders from across the country learn new skills and gain new knowledge through the Fellow’s program.” She continued, "I am thrilled to be included in such an incredible program. The knowledge and skills gained through the Fulcrum Fellowship will help me serve District 1 and all of Oklahoma County in a more equitable and sustainable way,” said the Commissioner.
The Center for Community Investment is a national organization that helps communities and institutions invest in the physical, social, and economic infrastructure that creates opportunities for people to thrive. The Fulcrum Fellows program is just one of the many ways they support community investment leaders nationwide.
For more information about The Center for Community Investment and the Fulcrum Fellows program, please visit their website at
Watch part 1 video.
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