Assessor  |   County Clerk  |   Court Clerk  |   District Attorney  |   District 1  |   District 2  |   District 3  |   Sheriff  |   Treasurer

Oklahoma County Court Clerk, Rick Warren, presides over the largest, and busiest, Court Clerk's office in the state. Approximately 120,000 new court cases are filed in Oklahoma County annually, more than any other state, local or federal court in Oklahoma.

Our mission is to provide efficient, accurate and open records maintenance; information management and fiscal services to the public, and efficient administration of justice; our greatest satisfaction is in the services we provide.

Services & Forms

Search Court Records, find Forms & Documents, and view the Services we offer below. Items are listed alphabetically from A-Z. Click a category to filter your search.

ADA Accommodation Request


Each county in Oklahoma has its own District Court. The contact information for ADA accommodation requests in this District Court location is provided below:



Submit request for ADA accommodation to:

ADA Coordinator Name: Renée Troxell (Contact Person for ADA Requests)

Address: 321 Park Avenue, Room 322 Oklahoma City, OK 73102

ADA Accommodation Request – Attachment with Local Contact Info. 2‐2022




  • Case Type: Claims of more than $10,000
  • Filing Fee: $232.14 plus service


  • Case Type: Claims of less than $10,000
  • Filing Fee: $219.14 plus service


  • Case Type: Generally, cases not seeking monetary damages
  • Filing Fee: $154.14

Driver's License Appeals

Driver's license appeals are set and heard by the Chief Special Judge. A cash bond of $250 is required, as well as an attorney interlock statement attached to the bond. The filing fee is $167.14 plus $250 cash bond


Order confirming sheriff sales are set and heard by the Confirmation Judge. Sheriff sales are held twice a month on Thursdays at 2 p.m. at: 320 Robert S Kerr Avenue, #513 (Jury Assembly Room), Oklahoma City, OK 73102

Please visit the Sheriff's Office website for more information. There is a filing fee of $232.14 plus service.


The assigned judge's office sets all pre-judgment motions. Motions for hearings on assets, contempt citations and claims for exemptions are set and heard by the Chief Special Judge.

Name Changes

Name changes are set by assigned judges and are to be published. The filing fee is $184.14 including publication

Court Costs

Court Costs

Court ordered criminal assessments are due at, or before, the time of sentencing, unless the sentencing Judge or Cost Judge sanctions a payment plan. Payment plans are not automatic. Defendants must appear in the Court Clerk’s office as ordered by the sentencing Judge to set up a new payment plan. *We do not make appointments. Defendants are seen on a first-come, first-served basis.

Payment Options

  • Cash
  • Cashier's Check
  • Credit Cards 1
    • American Express
    • MasterCard
    • Visa
  • Money Order
  • Online

1 -  The credit card holder must be present for a transaction. For example, the defendant cannot present relative's card for payment without the relative being present.

Pay Online at
Paying by Checks: Make payable to: Rick Warren Court Clerk
Mail Payments to: 320 Robert S. Kerr Avenue, #421, Oklahoma City, OK 73102

Cost Administration

Cost Administration

Paying Fines, Fees & Court Costs in Criminal Cases

The sole job of the Oklahoma County Court Clerk's Cost Administration Department is to collect court ordered fines, fees, costs and other assessments in criminal cases. Court ordered criminal assessments are due at or before the time of sentencing, unless Cost Administration provides a defendant with a payment plan as sanctioned by the sentencing Judge, or the Cost Judge. Payment plans are not automatic. Defendants must appear in the Cost Administration Department, as ordered by the sentencing Judge. Note: There are no appointments and defendants are seen on a first come, first serve basis. Proper attire and proper behavior are required.

Payment Options

  • Cash
  • Cashier's Check
  • Credit Cards 1
    • American Express
    • MasterCard
    • Visa
  • Money Order
  • Online

1 -  The credit card holder must be present for a transaction. For example, the defendant cannot present relative's card for payment without the relative being present.

Pay Online at
Paying by Checks: Make payable to: Rick Warren Court Clerk
Mail Payments to: 320 Robert S. Kerr Avenue, #421, Oklahoma City, OK 73102



Requirements for Filing an Uncontested (Waiver) Divorce

  • 3 copies: Divorce Decree
  • 3 copies: Entry of Appearance and Waiver
  • 3 copies: Petitions

The Court Clerk's office does not have divorce forms other than summons. Divorce  forms may be obtained from an attorney, paralegal services, or the law library. Waivers must be notarized and filed at least 1 day after filing the petition.

Filing Fees

  • Certified mail service of process - $10
  • Divorce with minor children - $252.14
  • Divorce without minor children - $252.14
  • Foreign Judgment - $164.14
  • Paternity - $154.14
  • Sheriff service of process - $50
  • Summons Fee - $10


The Court Clerk's primary duty is to record and maintain court records filed in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma. From the inception of the office until 2002, records were maintained almost entirely in paper form. That year, the first ever document imaging process began, with approximately one-third of the county's case files being electronically recorded. The large majority of records kept by the Court Clerk are open for public inspection.

Another important duty of the Court Clerk is to collect and account for all funds deposited in connection with court proceedings. The Oklahoma County Court Clerk's office annually receives more than $60 million in criminal fines, court costs, bond forfeitures, child support and other such payments. Fiscal oversight of Court Clerk funds is provided by the Supreme Court, the State Treasurer, the State Auditor, the County Treasurer, by internal audit staff and the dozens of government entities to which the Court Clerk transmits funding. Other services provided by the Oklahoma County Court Clerk's office include passport processing; marriage licenses; and licensing of private process servers and low point beer providers.

Jury Duty

Jury Duty

Address  |  FAQ's Notice to Prospective Jurors  |  Parking

The Court Clerk prepares and issues about 1,800 jury summons each month except July and August when no jury trials are held. Names are selected at random from the list of licensed drivers or persons holding a current state identification document.

Courthouse Address - 320 Robert S Kerr Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73102


Who Can Be A Juror

Oklahoma law states that all citizens of the United States residing in this state, having the qualifications of electors of this state, are competent jurors to serve on all grand and petit juries within their counties; provided, that persons over 70 years of age and persons who have served as a grand or petit juror during the last 5 immediately preceding calendar years shall not be compelled to serve as jurors in this state, and the court may excuse or discharge any juror drawn and summoned as a grand or petit juror if jury service would result in substantial hardship to the prospective juror.

Who Can NOT Be A Juror

Persons who are not qualified to serve as jurors are:

  • Jailers or law enforcement officers, state or federal, having custody of prisoners are eligible for civil trials only
  • Judges of the Court of Civil Appeals
  • Judges of the Court of Criminal Appeals or the District Court
  • Justices of the Supreme Court
  • Legislators during session of the Legislature or involved in state business
  • Licensed attorneys engaged in the practice of law
  • Persons who have been convicted of any felony, or who have served a term of imprisonment in any penitentiary, state or federal, for the commission of a felony; provided, any such citizen convicted, who has been fully restored to his or her civil rights, shall be eligible to serve as a juror.
  • Sheriff or deputy sheriffs


Jury Parking

For parking information, please see the Parking tab, or view the Documents below.

*Note: Other parking facilities are available in this area. Please do not park at meters as you will not be available to put money in them throughout the day.



Notice To Prospective Jurors

Dear Prospective Juror:
Thank you for your service. We know your time is valuable and your contribution to the administration of justice in Oklahoma is greatly appreciated. Security measures are in effect in the Oklahoma County Courthouse. Every effort will be made to expedite jurors' passage through security. You can help by not carrying certain items to the courthouse. Prohibited items include weapons of any kind; knives of any size; chemical sprays; laser pointers; firearms and ammunition. Security Personnel may also prohibit possession of any other items or materials deemed dangerous or otherwise inappropriate. The Jury Assembly Room opens at 7:30 A.M.

In the event you believe you have compelling reasons that justify your being excused from jury duty, you shall appear at the County Office Annex Building, at 3 p.m. on the Friday immediately before the Monday on which your jury duty is scheduled to begin. At that time, the Chief Judge will hear your reasons and decide if you will be excused. Bring any papers supporting your excuse with you. Requests for excuse will not be considered at any other time. However, if you are 70 years of age or more and wish to be excused from jury service, you may be excused, by state law, by telephoning the Jury Clerk at 405-713-1102, prior to the reporting time to assert your exemption.

Appropriate Court attire is required. Jurors should dress comfortably and in good taste, keeping in mind the dignity of the courtroom and the seriousness of the matters to be decided. Shorts, tank tops or thong sandals are not permitted. The normal period of jury service is usually 2 to 3 days, but may last longer. Plan to be there at least Monday and Tuesday. Once again, thank you for your service as a juror.



Where do I park?

There are several public parking areas within a few blocks of the Courthouse for Jury Parking. Daily / hourly rates vary. View available parking areas.

How long will I serve?

On average, 2 days. However, some trials are longer.

Does my employer have to pay my full salary during my service?

Ask your employer what its policy is on juror pay.

Map and Directions

Map & Directions

Directions to Oklahoma County Annex Building (i.e. Courthouse)

  • Traveling eastbound on I-40, exit on Western Avenue and proceed north to 4th St. Turn east on 4th St. to Hudson Avenue. Turn south on Hudson Avenue and proceed 2 blocks to Robert S. Kerr.
  • Traveling westbound on I-40, exit on Robinson Avenue and proceed north. You may turn west on W. Reno or Sheridan Avenue and proceed west to Hudson Avenue. Turn north on Hudson Avenue to Robert S. Kerr.
  • Traveling southbound via I-235/Broadway Extension, exit 6th St. and proceed west to Hudson Avenue. Turn south on Hudson Avenue to Robert S. Kerr.
  • Traveling northbound via I-235/Broadway Extension, take exit 1C, Sheridan Avenue and proceed west to Hudson Avenue. Turn north on Hudson Avenue to Robert S. Kerr.

The Oklahoma County Office Building/Annex is located on the southeast corner of Robert S. Kerr and Hudson Avenue in Oklahoma City. The street address is 320 Robert S. Kerr. The County/Metro parking garage (which is open to the public) is located directly north of the Office/Annex Building on Robert S. Kerr, with entrances facing Kerr and Hudson Avenues at the southwest corner of the parking garage.


Visual Map

*Click here to view the printable (PDF) of the Visual Map.



Interactive Map

*Click here for navigation from your current location, or view the interactive below.

Marriage License


The Marriage License Department operating hours are Monday thru Friday from 8 am to 4 pm, excluding holidays. Please arrive early.

Book an Appointment

To book an appointment for your Marriage License, call 405-713-1705.


  • Age 18 and older - Proof of age is required. Drivers license, birth certificate, passport, etc.
  • Age 16 to 17 - Parental consent of either parent or legal guardian, birth certificate.
  • Under 16 - Under 16, marriage is prohibited in this state except by court order.
  • Divorce - Persons divorced in Oklahoma may not marry anyone other than their previous spouse for a period of 6 months after the divorce decree is filed.
  • Blood Test - Oklahoma law does not require a premarital blood test.
  • Residency - No residency requirements.
  • Fees - $50 license fee or $5 if premarital counseling is completed. The reduced fee shall apply upon presentation to the Court Clerk of an original certificate of successful completion of a premarital counseling program. The certificate must be an original document, not a copy, and shall state that the named persons have successfully completed the premarital counseling requirements.
  • Premarital Counseling - No copies, faxes or emailed counseling certificates are accepted. Premarital counseling programs must be conducted in accordance with Oklahoma Statute 43 O.S. 5.1.
  • Waiting Period - No waiting period required except for those under the age of 18. If under the age of 18, there is a 72 hour waiting period.
  • Waived Period Exception - A written waiver signed by Judge is required.

Daily Marriage Ceremonies

Oklahoma County Court Judges do not perform daily marriage ceremonies.

Ministers' Credentials

As of November 1st, 2022, ministers are no longer required to file credentials with the Oklahoma County Court Clerk’s Office, per O.S. Title 43, Section 7.


  • Main office (County Courthouse): 320 Robert S. Kerr Avenue, #409, Oklahoma City, OK 73102 - 405-713-1705
  • Satellite office (Edmond): 7 N. Broadway, Edmond, OK 73034 - 405-359-4515


How much is a marriage license? Are there any discounts?

$50 license fee or $5 if premarital counseling completed. The reduced fee shall apply upon presentation to the Court Clerk of an original certificate of successful completion of a premarital counseling program. The certificate must be an original document, not a copy, and shall state that the named persons have successfully completed the premarital counseling requirements.

No copies, faxes or emailed counseling certificates are accepted. The premarital counseling program must be conducted in accordance with Oklahoma Statute 43 O.S. 5.1.

What is required to obtain a marriage license?

Both parties must present valid identification, which could be:

  • Certified copy of your birth certificate issued by the state or county, not the hospital
  • State I.D.
  • Military I.D.
  • Other state or federal document issued as proof of identity and age
  • Valid driver's license-not expired
  • Valid passport

What is the legal age to get married in Oklahoma?

Applicants 18 years of age or older may obtain a marriage license without parental consent. Minors 16 or 17 years of age may obtain a marriage license when one of the legal custodial guardians or parents is present with valid photo identification, with a certified copy of each minor’s birth certificate issued by a state or county, not by a hospital.

Foreign language birth certificates must be translated into English by an official translator. There is a 72 hour waiting period for minors before the license may be issued.

If I'm a minister from another state, what do I need to do to perform a marriage in Oklahoma?

You may file a copy of your ordination papers in this office. We will record it and return to you a copy of the book and page recordation number.

How can I get an annulment?

We suggest that you contact your attorney. By law, we cannot render legal advice.

What do I need to do to be common law married?  And, is common law marriage legal in Oklahoma?

We suggest that you contact your attorney or someone in the legal field to answer those questions for you.

What if neither applicant speaks English?

Applicants must provide a third person to translate.



Metro Parking Garage
321 Robert S. Kerr Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73102

Operating Hours:

Daily cash ticket customers
Metro Parking Garage opens at 6 a.m. Monday - Friday and closes at 8 p.m. every evening, and is closed during the weekend and federal holidays. The lobby, elevators, and stairwells are also closed at 8 p.m. nightly and on the weekends and holidays. Entry tickets cannot be issued after 5:30 p.m.

Monthly contract customers
Contract customers have 24/7 access to the garage with their parking card.


Payment method is CASH ONLY for daily cash customers. Payment must be made on the ground floor of the parking garage in the lobby before exiting to go to your vehicle. There is an ATM located in the lobby, if needed. The garage connects to the underground concourse that can be used during inclement weather, etc.

Jury Parking

Parking is available at the following parking facilities. Rates are current as of July 2022. Note: If you are serving on a Jury, please do not park at the meters, as you will not be available to put money in them throughout the day. Other parking facilities are available in this area. Jury Parking (PDF)

Parking Garages

  Metro Parking

  321 Robert S. Kerr

  6 am - 8 pm
  Cox Convention Center

  100 W Sheridan

  24 / 7
  Century Center

  100 W Main

  24 / 7
  Santa Fe Parking Garage

  2 Santa Fe Ave

  24 / 7
  Sheridan Walker Parking

  501 W Sheridan

  24 / 7
  Dowell Center Parking Garage

  433 N Harvey

  7:30 am - 5:30 pm    
  Main Street Garage

  199 W Main

  24 / 7
  American Parking

  227 Robert S. Kerr

  6 am - 7 pm
  NW Corner of Robert S. Kerr & Hudson     

  Hudson & Robert S. Kerr          

  SW Corner of 4th & Hudson

  SW 4th & Hudson   



The Court Clerk of Oklahoma County provides passport services (does not execute passport renewals). Learn more here.

The Passport Department operating hours are Monday thru Friday from 8 am to 4 pm, excluding holidays. Please arrive early.

Submission Requirements

All applicants must appear in person, including children. Applicants must submit the following regardless of age.

Citizen Requirements

Previous passport (this can be a cancelled passport or an official passport i.e. military), naturalization certificate or certified copy of birth certificate. This certificate must come from the state registrar's office in the state in which the applicant was born. Hospital birth certificates and "notification of birth registration" are not acceptable.

Identification Requirements

Valid driver's license (not temporary or learner's permit) or city, state or federal government ID card or pilot's license. Minor children will use parent or legal guardian's ID.


One 2-inch by 2-inch color photograph taken within the last 6 months. Photograph must be clear, front view, full face with a plain light background. Photograph must be printed on photo quality paper. Please check your telephone directory under "passport photos" or "photographers" for this service. The Oklahoma County Court Clerk's office does not provide photographs on site.

Fees & Payment

There will be (2) separate fees. One to the U.S. Department of State and the other to the Oklahoma County Court Clerk's office. All fees made payable to the U.S. Department of State must be in the form of check, money order or cashier's check. No cash or  credit cards accepted. No exceptions. The execution fee is $35 and must be paid separately from the application fee. The execution fee made payable to Rick Warren, Court Clerk and may be in the form of check, money order, cashier's check, cash or credit card. No cash is accepted at the Edmond office.


For information about immunization, please call the Oklahoma County Health Department at 405-427-8651.

Passport Renewal

For applicants who were 16 or older that had a passport issued within the last 15 years executing a renewal application must mail application to the address on page 2 of the renewal form. Oklahoma County Court Clerk's office does not execute renewals. It is the responsibility of the traveler to obtain necessary visas before going abroad. The traveler may contact the destination country's nearest consulate or embassy to make inquiries about visas or ask a travel agency. Completed applications are sent by the office of the Court Clerk to the nearest passport processing agency. This process requires approximately 6 weeks.

More Information

For more information, United States citizens may visit the State Department’s travel website, or call the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778, or TDD/TTY 1-888-874-7793.

Private Process Server License

Private Process Server License

Please use the link below for information related to obtaining a Private Process Server License along with the required application(s) / form(s).



Wills for Safe Keeping

The Court Clerk's office stores wills for safekeeping, as provided by law.

Probate of Estate

Forms may be provided at the Law Library. The filing fee is $204.14 plus publication if applicable.


These records are confidential. Only the attorneys of record, the guardian or the ward may review the file without a court order.

Filing Fee

  • Conservatorship $154.14
  • Guardianship $204.14
  • Relative Guardianship $67.00


Adoptions are confidential and require a court order to access, except for adoption records that have not been finalized which may be reviewed by the attorney for the petitioners. No information is given over the telephone. Once a final decree has been filed, records may not be accessed without a court order. The filing fee is $174.14.

Mental Health

All mental health records are confidential. A court order is required to access mental health records.


How do I file a probate?

In the same manner as any other civil action, by paying the statutory court filing costs and filing a petition for probate.

Do I need an attorney?

No, but probate is a highly specialized field of law and retaining a qualified attorney is recommended.

What are "Letters?"

Letters of Administration are issued by the Probate Judge to the personal representative to facilitate handling of the decedent's affairs.

Probate WITH Will
Probate WITHOUT Will
Request Court Records

Request Court Records

To obtain Oklahoma County Court Records, please complete the electronic "Request Records" form. For required Case Information visit

Services NOT Provided

Court Clerk Staff CANNOT Provide

  • Advice for what to say in court
  • Advice whether to file a case
  • Advice whether to take any action in a case
  • Any legal advice
  • Assistance filling out forms for you or advice for what to state on a form
Services Provided

Court Clerk Staff CAN Provide

  • Assistance with research and case lookup
  • Copying, duplication and certification services
  • Court approved forms
  • General information about Court procedures and policies
  • Information about Court schedules
  • Information on case status, unless the case is not available for public inspection

Note: Court Clerk staff can only provide informational assistance. We cannot provide legal assistance or advice.

Small Claims

Small Claims

Small claims suits may be brought for amounts in controversy not exceeding $10,000. Forms to initiate a small claims action are available in the Court Clerk's office. Small claims cases are set for hearing approximately 4 to 6 weeks after filing. Evictions are set for hearing between 5 and 10 days after filing.

Filing Fees

*Filing fees must be paid at the time of filing.

Type of Claim Filing Fee
Forcible Entry and Detainer (FED or eviction) less than $5,000. $58 plus service
Forcible Entry and Detainer (FED or eviction) greater than $5,000.                 $154.14 plus service
Indebtedness less than $5,000. $58 plus service
Indebtedness greater than $5,000.

$219.14 plus service

Court Appearance Schedule

You should appear in court on your court date, whether or not the defendant has been served. The docket will be called at 9 a.m. for small claims and 10 a.m. for evictions. When your name is called, please inform the judge that you are here and whether you are the plaintiff or the defendant.


How do I file in Small Claims?

Examples and instructions for completing our Small Claims Forms:

Blank Small Claims Forms:

How do I file a Garnishment?

Court costs include:

  • Bank garnishment - $76.64
  • Continuing wage garnishment (6 months) - $116.64
  • One time garnishment - $76.64

Other costs include:

  • Certified mail service of process - $10
  • Sheriff service of process - $50

Private process server costs are comparable to Sheriff service, however, the clerk's office does not contract with private process servers. View samples and forms.

How do I file a claim for exemption from garnishment based upon hardship, when I have been garnished?

Access the claim for exemption and request for hearing documents.

How long will it take to see the Judge?

Small claims affidavits are set within 60 days. Forcible entry and detainer actions (evictions) are heard no sooner than 5 days, no more than 10 days after filing.

What is a Paupers Affidavit?

A pauper's affidavit is a sworn statement stating a person does not have sufficient funds to pay court costs for the filing of a new civil case. A judge must enter an order determining poverty.

Where do I get a Process Server?

Process server lists are provided in the Court Clerk's office.

Traffic Tickets

Traffic Tickets

***NOTICE: All costs and fines must be paid in full at court appearance. You have the option of appearing in court or entering a plea on the back of the citation and mailing your fine to the Court Clerk prior to the court date. On scheduled court dates Traffic Court begins at 9 a.m. in room 101 (Jury Assembly Room).

Payment Options

  • Cash
  • Cashier's Check
  • Credit Card*
    • American Express
    • Discover
    • MasterCard
    • Visa
  • Money Order

*You can pay by credit card here:

If you prefer to pay in person at the County Annex Building located at: 320 Robert S. Kerr Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK. Please come to the 4th floor Court Clerk's Office. If paying in person by credit card, the credit card holder must be present for the transaction. For example, a defendant cannot present a relative's credit card for payment without the relative being present. Please note: We do NOT accept credit card payments over the phone.

  • Make checks payable to: Rick Warren Court Clerk
  • Mail payments to: 320 Robert S Kerr Avenue, #407, Oklahoma City, OK 73102


What tickets are processed in state court?

Highway patrol, county sheriff and university police tickets are processed in state court. Municipal tickets are processed in the city or town in which they were issued.

Where do I find my court date?

Above your signature and below the officer’s signature on your citation.

Where do I appear for Traffic Court?

You can appear for Traffic Court at: 320 Robert S. Kerr Avenue, #513 (Jury Assembly Room), Oklahoma City, OK 73102. Hours: Traffic Court begins at 9 a.m.

How can I pay my traffic ticket?

You can pay your tickets by:

  • Cash
  • Cashier's Check
  • Credit Cards (accepted: American Express, MasterCard, and Visa)1
  • Money Order

1. Credit Card Payment must be processed in person and there are no payments by credit card over the phone or by computer. The credit card holder must be present for transaction. For example, a defendant cannot present relative's card for payment without relative being present.

May I make payments on my traffic ticket?

The Court Clerk’s office cannot grant traffic court payment plans.

May I just pay my insurance ticket?

Yes, however, payment results in automatic suspension of your driver's license by the Department of Public Safety. You may wish to present proof of insurance to the District Attorney's office on or before your court date.

Victim Protective Orders

Victim Protective Orders (VPO)

Victim Protective Orders (VPO) information can be found below. To file a Victim Protection Order, please complete the VPO Fillable Form (PDF) and return to the Oklahoma County Court Clerk's office.

Qualifying for a Victim Protective Order

  • When it comes to the person you are seeking protection from are you:
  • A victim of Rape?
  • Biological parents of the same child or children?
  • Currently or previously in a dating relationship with them?
  • Divorced from their spouse? (Are they married to your ex?)
  • Divorced from them?
  • Formerly living in the same household as them?
  • Living in the same household as them?
  • Married to them?
  • Related to them by blood?
  • Related to them by marriage?
  • Their child?
  • Their parent?
  • If one of those is true, you may request a victim's protective order (VPO). If none of those situations apple, to file for a VPO you must have been the victim of harassment or stalking more than once.

Important Instructions

  • In order to request a Domestic VPO against someone, that person must have committed an act of physical harm or made the threat of physical harm to you.
  • Either you or the person you are seeking protection from must live in Oklahoma County.
  • All forms must be completed in BLACK ink.
  • You may file during office hours which are Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. However, if you need the petition to be considered by a judge the same day you file, it must be completed and presented to the court clerk's office no later than 2:30 p.m. It generally takes about an hour to complete your forms so plan on arriving before 1:30 p.m. The office closes at 5 p.m., if your forms are not complete at that time you may take them home and return with them the following business day.
  • Please do not sign your form before presenting it to the court clerk's office. We must watch you sign the form.
  • If you need to include a child or children on your petition for protection you must be their parent or legal guardian. They must be under the age of 18 and they must live with you and you must have legal custody (full or joint.) Please note, a VPO will not determine custody of a child or children, it is simply an order that there be no contact between the parties.
  • There is no money due at the time you file your VPO. However, please bear in mind that a Judge may order court costs of $204.14 once your hearing has been held.

Required Information

  • The first and last name of the person you're seeking protection from.
  • A complete current address for the person you're seeking protection from. This can be a complete current work address or a complete current residence address. To become effective, the VPO must be personally served by the sheriff's office.

Helpful Phone Numbers

  • Domestic Violence Hotline: 405-917-9922
  • Oklahoma City Police Department: 405-231-2121
  • Oklahoma County District Attorney: 405-713-1600
  • Legal Aid: 405-521-1302
  • Oklahoma County Court Clerk VPO: 405-713-1735
  • Oklahoma County Sheriff Judicial Services: 405-713-1034 (Call to see if party has been served, or removed from premises if applicable)
  • YWCA: 405-948-1770 (VPO Assistance and Other Services)

Harassment & Stalking

Victim Protective Orders

If you are seeking a VPO due to harassment or stalking a police report listing you as the victim of one or both of these must be filed. We will need the police report number for the filing of your VPO. You will need to present a copy of the police report when you go to court.


Harassment is defined as conduct directed toward a person that includes, but is not limited to, repeated and continuing contact that would cause a reasonable person to suffer emotional distress and actually causes emotional distress to the victim.


Stalking is defined as any person who, willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows or harasses another person in a manner that would cause a reasonable person to feel frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested.


How will I know when my temporary VPO has been granted?

You will receive your packet within 5 business days.

What happens when the defendant lives in another state?

A petitioner who lives in Oklahoma County can still file, but it is the petitioner’s responsibility to contact the sheriff’s office in the county where the defendant resides, to have the defendant served in that state. The petitioner must still provide a complete current address for the defendant, to the sheriff in the other state.

Can the Sheriff serve just anyone with the protective order?

No, the defendant must be personally served. No one else can accept the protective order.

How long is the temporary protective order in place?

The protective order is just effective until your court date, but for it to be in effect the defendant must be served.

What if the defendant is not served before my court date?

You will still need to attend your court date so the judge can give you an order for a new court date, and try to get the defendant served for the new court date.

Can the defendant be served with my certified copies?

Yes, the defendant can be served with certified copies before the court date, but you would need to call law enforcement to have the defendant served.

What happens if I miss my court date?

If you are the Petitioner and miss your court date the case may be dismissed and the court costs could be assessed to you. If you are the Defendant and miss your court date then the permanent protective order may be granted in favor of the petitioner with the court costs assessed to the defendant.
