The Juvenile Division of the Oklahoma County Public Defender's Office (located at 5905 North Classen Court, Oklahoma City, 73118) is responsible for representing individuals under the age of 18. The office represents indigent juvenile delinquents and abused, neglected, deprived, or abandoned children.
How do I get a Juvenile-Division Public Defender?
When is my next court date?
Do my juvenile warrants go away when I turn 18?
I've forgotten my lawyer's name. How do I find out who represents me?
How much money can I make and still qualify for the services of the Public Defender?
320 Robert S Kerr Avenue, #400 Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Address: Yanta District, XianShi, Shaanxi, China
Tel: (+086)-2566-8799
Hours: 8:00am-5:30pm (Mon-Fri)
Address: Oklahoma City, OK
Tel: 405-270-0082
Hours: 7 am - 4 pm (M-F)