Check out the County Calendar to view the meeting schedules, or view the most recent Agendas & Minutes.
Disclaimer Oklahoma County makes every effort to produce and publish the most accurate information possible. However, Oklahoma County makes no guarantees or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the data provided herein, its use or its interpretation. Postings are Informational Only The agendas and documents provided are intended for informational purposes only and are provided to the public with this understanding.
All hearings must be taken in accordance with O.S. Title 19 §§868.3, 868.10, and 868.18 and the Oklahoma County Zoning Regulations Article VIII, Section 2.
The Oklahoma County Board of Adjustment is composed of 3 resident property owners of the County, appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. At least 1 member must be a resident of the County seat, and 1 member must be a licensed attorney in the State of Oklahoma. A term is 3 years overlapping and the membership of the board first appointed shall be for 1, 2, and 3 years respectively. All members of the Board of Adjustment serve without compensation.
The Board of Adjustment hears and decides:
Appeals concerning the granting of variances to the County zoning regulations Applications for requests for special exceptions Appeals where it is alleged there is an error of law concerning the enforcement of the County zoning regulations.
View Most Recent Agendas and Minutes
The three-member Board of County Commissioners is the administrative body of the County. It has general supervision over all fiscal affairs of the County.
The Board of County Commissioners, created by the State Constitution, is composed of three Commissioners elected by the people. The County is divided into three districts, as equal in population as possible and numbered 1, 2, and 3 respectively. One Commissioner is elected from each district. District boundaries are set once every 10 years following the federal census. View the updated district boundaries (PDF) that become effective October 1, 2001.
The Board meets on the first Monday of every month and every Wednesday thereafter, except on holidays or on special occasions. The Board may set special meetings on 48 hours notice. All sessions are open to the public and held in observance of the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act.
At the first meeting of the Board every January, the Commissioners elect one of the current Commissioners to serve as Chairman for that calendar year. The Chairman's primary duty is to preside at the meetings of the Board. The Chairman is also one of two officers that may sign checks (known as "warrants") issued by the County Treasurer.
Carrie Blumert
District 1
Brian Maughan
District 2
Myles Davidson
District 3
Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval. View Most Recent Agendas and Minutes
Clerks of the Board
Board of Equalization
320 Robert S. Kerr, Rm 203, Oklahoma City, OK 73102
2020 Candidate Filing for County offices is April 8-10, 2020. No changes to Candidate Filing dates have been made due to COVID-19. Please contact the County Election board with questions at 405-713-1515 or
The Election Board is responsible for voter registration and conducting federal, state, county, municipal, and school district elections in Oklahoma County. Board and administrative duties include:
The Election Board is composed of three members; a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary, who are appointed by the State Election Board. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman are nominated by the Oklahoma County Democratic and Republican Party Central Committee, respectively. The Secretary is the administrative officer and supervises staff activities.
As required by Section 311, Title 25 of the Oklahoma Statutes, the Oklahoma County Election Board holds regularly scheduled meetings.
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To become the best planning organization in the State through dedication, organization, technology, and communication. The Planning Department is responsible for planning, subdivision, zoning, floodplain, and stormwater services in Oklahoma County.
County Commissioners - Oklahoma County Commissioners make the final decision on the Planning Commission's recommendations.
County Planning Commission - The Planning Commission is established by State statutes to review various development regulations and make recommendations on their adoption or amendment by the County Commissioners. The commission is also charged with reviewing various development permit applications and making recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners. The County Planning Commission's jurisdiction is limited to the unincorporated areas of the county. Each city in the county has its own planning commission.
Board of Adjustment - The Board of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial body appointed by the County Board of Commissioners that has the sole authority to hear appeals and to grant variances from County regulations. This body conducts an official public hearing for each requested variance. The minutes reflect the actions and decisions of the Board at the public hearings.
Floodplain Management Board - Promote the public health, safety, and general welfare, to minimize flood losses in areas subject to flood hazards, and to promote wise use of the floodplain. These regulations have been established with the following purposes intended: To guide development of the 100-year floodplain within local jurisdiction consistent with the enumerated findings by: recognizing the right and need of water courses to periodically carry more than the normal flow of water; participating in coordinated efforts of federal, state, and local management activities for 100-year floodplains; and ensuring the regulations and minimum standards adopted, insofar as possible, balance the greatest public good with the least private injury.
The Oklahoma County Planning Commission only has jurisdiction over property that is outside of any city's limits.
County Planner
Planning Assistant
Building Inspector
320 Robert S. Kerr Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Address: Yanta District, XianShi, Shaanxi, China
Tel: (+086)-2566-8799
Hours: 8:00am-5:30pm (Mon-Fri)
Address: Oklahoma City, OK
Tel: 405-270-0082
Hours: 7 am - 4 pm (M-F)