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Cost Administration

This page includes information regarding Court Costs, Rules, and Bond Schedules. The sole job of the Oklahoma County Court Clerk's Cost Administration Department is to collect court ordered fines, fees, costs and other assessments in criminal cases.

Court ordered criminal assessments are due at or before the time of sentencing, unless Cost Administration provides a defendant with a payment plan as sanctioned by the sentencing Judge, or the Cost Judge. Payment plans are not automatic. Defendants must appear in the Cost Administration Department, as ordered by the sentencing Judge.

No appointments are made and defendants are seen on a first come, first serve basis. Proper attire and proper behavior are required.

Payment Options

Cash  |  Cashier's Check  |  Money Order  |  Credit Cards* (American Express, MasterCard, Visa)

*The credit card holder must be present for a transaction. For example, the defendant cannot present relative's card for payment without the relative being present.

Paying by Check: Make Checks Payable to: Rick Warren Court Clerk
Mail Payments to: 320 Robert S. Kerr, #421, Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Pay Online at

Learn More

  • Age 18 and older - Proof of age is required. Drivers license, birth certificate, passport, etc.
  • Age 16 to 17 - Parental consent of either parent or legal guardian, birth certificate.
  • Under 16 - Under 16, marriage is prohibited in this state except by court order.
  • Divorce - Persons divorced in Oklahoma may not marry anyone other than their previous spouse for a period of 6 months after the divorce decree is filed.
  • Blood Test - Oklahoma law does not require a premarital blood test.
  • Residency - No residency requirements.
  • Fees - $50 license fee or $5 if premarital counseling is completed. The reduced fee shall apply upon presentation to the Court Clerk of an original certificate of successful completion of a premarital counseling program. The certificate must be an original document, not a copy, and shall state that the named persons have successfully completed the premarital counseling requirements.
  • Premarital Counseling - No copies, faxes or emailed counseling certificates are accepted. Premarital counseling programs must be conducted in accordance with Oklahoma Statute 43 O.S. 5.1.
  • Waiting Period - No waiting period required except for those under the age of 18. If under the age of 18, there is a 72 hour waiting period.
  • Waived Period Exception - A written waiver signed by Judge is required.
Daily Marriage Ceremonies

Oklahoma County Court Judges do not perform daily marriage ceremonies.

Ministers' Credentials

As of November 1st, 2022, ministers are no longer required to file credentials with the Oklahoma County Court Clerk’s Office, per O.S. Title 43, Section 7.

Click here to learn more.


All applicants must appear in person, including children.

Submission Requirements

Applicants must submit the following regardless of age.

Citizen Requirements

Previous passport (this can be a cancelled passport or an official passport i.e. military), naturalization certificate or certified copy of birth certificate. This certificate must come from the state registrar's office in the state in which the applicant was born. Hospital birth certificates and "notification of birth registration" are not acceptable.

Identification Requirements

Valid driver's license (not temporary or learner's permit) or city, state or federal government ID card or pilot's license. Minor children will use parent or legal guardian's ID.


One 2-inch by 2-inch color photograph taken within the last 6 months. Photograph must be clear, front view, full face with a plain light background. Photograph must be printed on photo quality paper. Please check your telephone directory under "passport photos" or "photographers" for this service. The Oklahoma County Court Clerk's office does not provide photographs on site.


There will be (2) separate fees. 1 to the U.S. Department of State and 1 to the Oklahoma County Court Clerk's office. All fees made payable to the U.S. Department of State must be in the form of check, money order or cashier's check. No cash or  credit cards accepted. No exceptions. The execution fee is $35 and must be paid separately from the application fee. The execution fee made payable to Rick Warren Court Clerk and may be in the form of check, money order, cashier's check, cash or credit card. No cash is accepted at the Edmond office. View passport fees.

For information about immunization, please call the Oklahoma County Health Department at 405-427-8651.

Passport Renewal

For applicants who were 16 or older that had a passport issued within the last 15 years executing a renewal application must mail application to the address on page 2 of the renewal form. Oklahoma County Court Clerk's office does not execute renewals. It is the responsibility of the traveler to obtain necessary visas before going abroad. The traveler may contact the destination country's nearest consulate or embassy to make inquiries about visas or ask a travel agency. Completed applications are sent by the office of the Court Clerk to the nearest passport processing agency. This process requires approximately 6 weeks.

More Information

For more information, United States citizens may visit the State Department’s travel website, or call the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778; TDD/TTY 1-888-874-7793.


 How long is it taking to get a passport?

It takes at least 6 weeks for the federal government to process passport applications.

Is there any way of getting a passport more quickly?

Yes, you can pay an additional $60 per person to expedite this process. This will reduce the time to process your application to about 2.5 to 3 weeks not including mail time.

If you provide us with 1 pre-paid over-night envelope from the post office and pay an additional amount of $20.66 payable to the Department of State for the return mailing this may reduce the processing time even more. There are also expedite companies that help speed the process. Just look in the Yellow Pages under "Passports."

Will a minor under the age of 14 need to be present when submitting an application for a passport?

Yes. As of February 1, 2004, anyone who applies for a passport, regardless of age, must be present in front of the passport agent. Both parents of the minor must be present.

What kind of birth certificate will I need to bring for my passport application? And, will you be keeping it?

Bring a certified copy of your birth certificate, issued by a state or county, not the hospital. We cannot use a “copy of a certified copy” of a birth certificate, nor one that has only been notarized. We submit the certified copy of your birth certificate with your application to Passport Services, but it will be returned to you by them, with your passport.

What kind of picture is required for a passport?

One 2 by 2 color photograph taken within the last 6 months. The photograph must be clear, front view, full face with a plain light background. The photograph must be printed on photo quality paper. Please check your telephone directory under “passport photos” or "photographers" for this service. How can I pay for this?

We accept check, money order, or cashier’s check for the payment made to U.S. Passport Services. The separate $25 Court Clerk's fee can be made in cash if paying at our downtown location.

Can I sign the application and give all the information to my spouse or parent to submit for me?

No. All parties must be present to submit their applications regardless of age, and you cannot sign until you've been sworn in by the accepting agent.

Will you accept passport renewal forms so I won't have to mail it in?

The federal government will not let us accept renewal forms. Anyone who has an expired passport which was issued within the past 15 years, to anyone aged 16 or over, will be using a DS-82 renewal form. The DS-82 should be mailed to the address stated on the back of the application. Not only will this save you the $25 fee, but it will save you time as well.

However, for those who may have been issued a passport more than 15 years ago, or those who were under the age of 16 when you obtained your previous passport, form DS-82 is not to be used. Those passports are not considered renewable. Instead, the State Department requires submission of a DS-11 form to the accepting agent.

You will submit an application just as though it was your first. The only difference will be that you should submit your previous passport in lieu of a certified copy of your birth certificate.

Click here to learn more.

Building Applications & Forms
Planning Applications & Forms


*NOTICE: All court costs and license fees are due at time of filing. The court clerk does not mail out renewal notices.

Going out of Business Sale

This requires filing of an inventory of merchandise to be sold at the time of filing the application. There is a 10 day waiting period before license may be issued. The filing fee is $169.14.

Private Process Servers

A private process server requires a $5,000 bond for a new license and a 30 day posting period. A first time application must be renewed after 1 year and thereafter is renewable every 3 years. This requires 2, 2 by 2 photographs. A new license is $354.14 and a renewal license is $219.14.

Transient Merchant License

For a transient merchant license, call the License Department at 405-713-1705. There is a filing fee of $194.14.

Pool Hall

An application is required.for a pool hall license. The filing fee is $169.14.

Click here to view the Document Center page.


The Oklahoma County Treasurer provides property tax services, including Public Access System searches on property located in Oklahoma County.

Payment Methods

Credit Card

  • We can accept payment of taxes by credit card but it must be over the Internet (not our rule.) While there is a convenience fee for this service, Oklahoma County does not receive any of this fee.
  • If you wish to search for property or pay your taxes online you may use the Oklahoma County Property Search.
  • If you wish to use the Internet credit card payment option but you do not have access to the Internet, you can come to our office where we have a computer for public use. The County Treasurer's Office is located at: 320 Robert S. Kerr, #307, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102

Electronic Check (e-check)

  • If you want to pay through the E-Check option a $2.50 service fee will be charged by Official Payments for the following payment types: Current Taxes; Delinquent Tax Paid ; Special Assessments.
  • Each returned transaction will be charged a return fee of $4.50 by official payments for insufficient and uncollected funds.
  • A return check fee of $35 will be due to the Treasurer.

Oklahoma's Public Open Records Act, Title 52 Okla. State Section 24A.1. et seq., provides that the Oklahoma Constitution recognizes and guarantees that all political power is inherent in the people. Thus, it is the public policy of the State of Oklahoma that the people are vested with the inherent right to know and be fully informed about their government.

The purpose of the Open Records Act is to ensure and facilitate the public's right of access to and review of government records so they may efficiently and intelligently exercise their inherent political power. The privacy interests of individuals are adequately protected in the specific exceptions to the Oklahoma Open Records Act or in the statutes which authorize, create or require the records.

With certain exceptions, records of Oklahoma County offices and departments are open to the public for inspection and copying subject to the payment of applicable fees for search and reproduction. Records which are not available to the public for confidentiality and privilege reasons include personnel and investigatory files, among others.

For a complete copy of the open records act, you may contact the Oklahoma Attorney General office at 405-521-3921 or access it online by various public websites.

Submitting Requests

Open records requests may be made directly in person or otherwise to the applicable county office or department. In addition, for convenience, several county offices and departments will accept open records requests online via this Oklahoma County website. Participating offices and departments and their designated representatives for such requests are listed below:

Request Form

No specific format is required for a valid open records request. However, the Oklahoma County Clerk has prepared and provided below to the public the attached form for requests made via this website. 


***NOTICE: All costs and fines must be paid in full at court appearance. You have the option of appearing in court or entering a plea on the back of the citation and mailing your fine to the Court Clerk prior to the court date. On scheduled court dates Traffic Court begins at 9 a.m. in room 101 (Jury Assembly Room).

Payment Options

Cash  |  Cashier's Check  |  Money Order  |  Credit Cards* (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa)

  • Pay by credit card here:
  • Make checks payable to: Rick Warren Court Clerk
  • Mail payments to: 320 Robert S Kerr Avenue, #407, Oklahoma City, OK 73102

If you prefer to pay in person at the County Annex Building located at: 320 Robert S. Kerr Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK. Please come to the 4th floor Court Clerk's Office. If paying in person by credit card, the credit card holder must be present for the transaction. For example, a defendant cannot present a relative's credit card for payment without the relative being present. Please note: We do NOT accept credit card payments over the phone.


What tickets are processed in state court?

Highway patrol, county sheriff and university police tickets are processed in state court. Municipal tickets are processed in the city or town in which they were issued.

Where do I find my court date?

Above your signature and below the officer’s signature on your citation.

Where do I appear for Traffic Court?

You can appear for Traffic Court at: 320 Robert S. Kerr Avenue, #513 (Jury Assembly Room), Oklahoma City, OK 73102. HoursTraffic Court begins at 9 a.m.

How can I pay my traffic ticket?

You can pay your tickets by:

  • Cash
  • Cashier's Check
  • Credit Cards (accepted: American Express, MasterCard, and Visa)1
  • Money Order

1. Credit Card Payment must be processed in person and there are no payments by credit card over the phone or by computer. The credit card holder must be present for transaction. For example, a defendant cannot present relative's card for payment without relative being present.

May I make payments on my traffic ticket?

The Court Clerk’s office cannot grant traffic court payment plans.

May I just pay my insurance ticket?

Yes, however, payment results in automatic suspension of your driver's license by the Department of Public Safety. You may wish to present proof of insurance to the District Attorney's office on or before your court date.