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Oklahoma County Reopening Guidelines, COVID

31 Jul, 2020 | Return|

Oklahoma County Reopening Guidelines

Covid-19/Coronavirus, 2019-2020

Oklahoma County Emergency Response Committee   

Oklahoma County government remains committed to the safety and welfare of our employees and customers.  Throughout the Covid-19/Coronavirus situation, substantial efforts have been employed to limit and hopefully eliminate additional risks associated with the contracting of, or potential spread of Covid-19 and other health-related factors in the workplace.  Health department guidance has been implemented, including from the Oklahoma City-County Health Department (OCCHD), the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH), and the Federal Center for Disease Control and Infection (CDC).

This guidance document is intended to provide information to all employees, offices, and work groups in regard to the “reopening” of Oklahoma County facilities to the general public.  Phased reopening measures reflect coordination with surrounding jurisdictions, the State of Oklahoma, and Federal guidance.    

County Preventative/Protective Measures 

  • Coordinated disinfecting and enhanced cleaning of frequently touched areas and common occupancy areas
  • Hiring of additional staff for on-going, continuous cleaning of surfaces and specific hardware, or within common areas, i.e. doorknobs, push buttons, hand rails, countertops, door frames, etc.
  • Procurement of supplies and materials to be used for disinfecting, personal hygiene enhancement, and overall workplace cleanliness
  • Provision of hand sanitizing stations throughout each facility, with emphasis on common areas such as lobbies, elevator lobbies, walkways, etc.
  • Provision of disposable disinfecting wipes and/or other materials to be used by employees within individual work areas, as available
  • Establishment of applicable and reasonable guidance for employees and customers, to include public notifications, signage, encouragement to follow prudent recommendations, etc.
  • Establishment of procedures for receiving incoming mail or packages, to reduce or help eliminate potential exposure to health-related risks or factors
  • Development and implementation of liberal leave policies and other guidance to support employees and their families, particularly if experiencing illness or a known “risk exposure”
  • Implementation of reinforced social distancing, including limiting the number of persons to be on elevators or in group meetings
  • Support for telecommuting and other revised work practices to help reduce or eliminate potential risk exposures
  • Revised work schedules to reflect flexibility and staggered pedestrian traffic patterns
  • Reduction of face-to-face activities and meetings 

Employee Participation 

Individual responsibility is of the utmost importance in protecting ourselves and our coworkers and customers.  Reopening does not negate, eliminate, or reduce the need for proper preventative measures, with emphasis at the individual employee and customer level.

It is each employee’s responsibility to:

  • Be familiar with, and follow all guidance related to preventative measures and the reduction of potential risk exposures, and encourage others to do likewise
  • Practice strong personal hygiene measures, including frequent handwashing and the use of antibacterial/disinfecting materials
  • Wear a facemask (cloth or surgical-style) and gloves as necessary, when contacting the public or in close proximity of co-workers or customers, unless adequate distance or protective barriers are in place.  If using a cloth mask, be sure to launder or clean at least daily, and more frequently if contacting large numbers of people.  It may be necessary to rotate the use of multiple facemasks  
  • Practice social distancing whenever possible, including maintaining a 6’ space between individuals, and avoiding gatherings of more than 10 people
  • Cover the cough or sneeze
  • Periodically clean or disinfect your immediate work area, especially surfaces or devices requiring repeated handling or use such as door knobs or various handles, workstations, keyboards, computer mouse, phone, chair arms, etc.
  • Be self-aware of any possible flu, influenza-like illness (ILI), Covid-19, etc., symptom at the earliest possible time.  Although not all symptoms may be present, the CDC lists primary Covid-19 symptoms as:

o   Fever

o   Cough

o   Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

o   Chills

o   Repeated shaking with chills

o   Muscle pain

o   Headache

o   Sore throat

o   New loss of taste or smell

  • If experiencing any of the above symptoms or other possible illness indications, do not report to the workplace.  Advise your supervisor of the situation and seek further guidance from a medical professional, as necessary
  • If ill or symptomatic, do not return to work until you have been free from any fever for a minimum of 72 hours (3 days), without the use of prescription or over-the-counter medications intended to reduce fever, and other symptoms have subsided or significantly improved, and it has been at least 7 days since the symptoms first developed
  • Limit travel, particularly to known “hot spots” or elevated risk areas. 
  • Immediately advise supervisors of any irregularities, known risk factors, or other conditions in the workplace that could contribute to the presence of, or increased exposure to, illness or other risk factors
  • Properly dispose of all materials used for disinfecting or cleaning surfaces and items


Helpful websites:

For additional information or assistance, please contact:

  • Your supervisor, department head or applicable elected official
  • Any member of the Oklahoma County Emergency Response Committee
  • Oklahoma County Human Resources/Safety Department
  • Oklahoma County Office of Emergency Management

V.3 5-13-20

BoCC Approved 5-13-20 

Emergency Response Committee Recommendations to:

Oklahoma County Board of County Commissioners

 (Approved 5-13-20) 

All listed recommendations are intended to help provide a safe and efficient re-opening of the Oklahoma County downtown campus to employees and customers.  Of significant concern are factors related to pedestrian traffic, both volume and flow.  

As determined by the Oklahoma County Emergency Response Committee, the following recommendations are respectfully submitted to the Oklahoma County Board of County Commissioners for their consideration on May 13, 2020: 

  1. Continued encouragement for telecommuting and/or staggering of the workforce and/or associated schedules 
  2. Continued emphasis on staying home if ill or experiencing or exhibiting CDC recognized signs or symptoms of COVID-19/Coronavirus 
  3. Provide ADA-related accommodations or assistance as necessary or requested, in reference to the following recommendations-
  4. Modification of Annex and Courthouse access as follows:

a.     Annex north doorway to be used for customers only

b.     Annex west doorway to be re-opened and used for exit only

c.      West alley gate to be used for employee entry

d.     East Courthouse doorway to be re-opened and used for Courthouse access

e.     West Courthouse doorway to be re-opened and used for exit only


  1. Freight elevator (Annex) to be repurposed to include employee use, limited to no more than 4 persons 
  2. Scaffolding incorporated to protect pedestrian traffic in the alley from the west gate, and at the east Courthouse entry
  3. Elevator occupants are required to wear protective masks 
  4. Use of recommended signage (2 samples), widely distributed throughout the facilities in common areas, outdoors, etc. 
  5. Distribution of the “Oklahoma County Reopening Guidelines” to all employees 
  6. Include items as approved by the Board of County Commissioners on the Oklahoma County website, and encourage all elected officials to include the guidance on their specific Oklahoma County websites 

IMPORTANT- This guidance may be updated or otherwise revised at the direction of the Oklahoma County Board of County Commissioners.  Updated/revised versions will be reflected by the “version number” and date below.

V1, 5-14-20, Approved by BoCC 5-13-20/DKB



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