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District 3 is in the final stages of completing work on County Line Road between Wilshire and Hefner. Thanks to everyone for their patience.
District 3 will begin patching, milling and overlaying Penn from Covell to Coffee Creek starting the 15th of October. There will be one lane traffic and delays. Please look for alternative routes and drive carefully through our work zone.
District is partnering with the City of Edmond to rebuild Air Depot between Danforth and Covell. This is a complete rebuild that will start around October 15th last up to 3 months depending on weather. Local traffic only. Please be careful in the work zone.
District 3 will be working on Danforth between Westminster and Division in Arcadia. This project will start around the 1st of November and will be completed before year end. Look for alternate routes during the construction period.
Luther, Oklahoma--Paving of Birch Street, Reconstruction of 5th and Pecan Streets to begin on April...
Key Items for Discussion/Approval: Financial Approvals and Reports, Community Recognitions & Proclam...
-- ATTENTION --All deeds presented for recording MUST have attached as an exhibit, an affidavit comp...
OKLAHOMA CITY - Oklahoma County District Attorney Vicki Zemp Behenna has made final charging decisio...
“I want to thank the members of the community for their input at today’s Citizen Oversight Board M...
OKLAHOMA CITY –Oklahoma County District Attorney Vicki Zemp Behenna filed a motion today requesting...
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320 Robert S. Kerr Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73102