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For Immediate Release:
May 28, 2024
For More Information Contact: Saving Our Youth Oklahoma City at
Oklahoma City, OK - Saving Our Youth Oklahoma City (SOY OKC) is hosting the return of its summer evening basketball program, SOY SZN, with a kickoff event featuring youth basketball games on Friday, June 7th, from 7 p.m. to 12 a.m. The free event, located at 2717 N Kelley Ave in Oklahoma City, will include giveaways, free food, live music, games, and a moon bounce for all attendees.
SOY OKC provides a safe space for youth to learn healthy life skills, build relationships, and use these learned skills to impact their communities positively. For 26 years, SOY SZN has supported high-risk students from Northeast Oklahoma City over the summer, touching the lives of many young individuals. SOY OKC is committed to continuing their transformative work for years to come.
Co-founder Priscilla Meadows-Norwood explained why they began the program and what inspired it: "We saw a need in the community on the N.E. side where our youth were being underserved in the summer months. We decided to provide a safe space for them. That was 26 years ago, and we're still going strong."
Commissioner Carrie Blumert emphasized the importance of youth programs and her support of the organization's mission in NEOKC, "Providing youth with positive, free, community-based opportunities during the summer is vital – kids are less likely to interact with the justice system and law enforcement if they have safe, supportive spaces to be kids."
County Commissioner Carrie Blumert and Deputies from the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office will be attending and showing their support for the event.
When Priscilla was asked what it means to bring County Officials, Law Enforcement, and SOYOKC together to serve the community, she stated, "It means the world to see everyone doing their part regardless of political affiliation, social status, or cultural background in service of our youth. They need us now more than ever."
SOY SZN still needs sponsorships and financial support to continue shaping a better future for young individuals in NEOKC. The community's support is crucial in ensuring the success of this program. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of our young people.
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320 Robert S. Kerr Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73102