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For Immediate Release --- December 4th, 2023
For More Information Contact: Commissioner Carrie Blumert (405) 713-1501
References Previous Public Comments and Votes on the Issue
“As I have stated previously, I am opposed to locating the jail at any site within Northeast Oklahoma City. I remain confident we can find a site that meets the needs of all stakeholders without inflicting continued harm on Northeast Oklahoma City.”
“This location, as well as others, are back on the agenda because we are still awaiting word from the FAA and Oklahoma City on our offer to purchase land at the airport. While I have never wavered in my opposition to locating the jail in Northeast Oklahoma City, and I have no intention of reversing course now, I have received calls, emails, and heard from citizens at our BOCC meetings about this once again appearing on our agenda. “
“In order to further make clear my opposition, I will offer a motion at our next BOCC meeting to strike that verbiage from our agenda and once and for all put to rest any notion of locating the jail in Northeast Oklahoma City. I trust my colleagues feel the same way.”
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320 Robert S. Kerr Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73102