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Oklahoma County would like to hear from the community about residents’ priorities for the use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding, a one-time infusion of funds, that can have a transformational impact for residents, non-profits, and businesses in Oklahoma County. Click here to take our survey.
-- ATTENTION --All deeds presented for recording MUST have attached as an exhibit, an affidavit comp...
Oklahoma County District One Commissioner Carrie Blumert recently led a group of 18 individuals to N...
County Commissioner Carrie Blumert sponsored a resolution at today’s Oklahoma County Board of Count...
The jury returned a guilty verdict on all counts yesterday and recommended a sentence of 10 years fo...
OKLAHOMA CITY – Today, the Oklahoma County District Attorney’s Office filed two felony Animal Crue...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FOR MORE INFORMATIONAPRIL 13, 2021Larry Stein (405) 713-1201 cell (405) 361-93...
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320 Robert S. Kerr Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73102