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The Oklahoma County District Attorney’s Office is committed to transparency and the timely release of public information within the guidelines of the Rules of Professional Conduct. 

To assist with access to public information, media releases are posted here and to Facebook. Additionally, links to helpful resources can be found below.

Communications Director, Brook Arbeitman(405) 713-1790
Main Reception: (405) 713-1600
Victims/Witness Center: (405) 713-1639

Media Requests

Media requests will be answered Monday - Friday between the hours of 8 am - 5 pm. Inquiries received after 5 pm will be answered the next business day.

Pre-trial Publicity

The Oklahoma County District Attorney’s Office is bound by the Oklahoma Rules of Professional Conduct, specifically Rule 3.6.

Utilizing Rule 3.6 as a guide, the Oklahoma County District Attorney’s Office Media Policy states:

Subject to limitations imposed by law or court rule or order, the office may make public the following information in any criminal case in which charges have been filed.

A.  The defendant’s name, age, residence, employment, marital status, and similar background information.

B.  The substance of the charge, as contained in the Indictment or Information.

C.  Information provided to the media should be limited to the information contained in publicly available material, such as an indictment or other public pleadings;

D.  The identify of the investigating or arresting agency and the length and scope of the investigation;

E.  The circumstances immediately surrounding an arrest, including the time and place of arrest, resistance; pursuit, possession and use of weapons, and a description of physical items seized during the arrest;

F.  Information in juvenile proceedings, should ensure that the identity of a minor is not revealed.

The office shall not make any statement or disclose any information that reasonably could have a substantial likelihood of materially prejudicing an adjudicative proceeding.  As such the office should refrain from disclosing the following, except as needing in a judicial proceeding, or in an announcement after a finding of guilt:

A.  Observations about a defendant’s or a party’s character.

B.  Statements, admissions, confessions, or alibis attributable to a defendant or party, or the refusal or failure of the accused to make a statement.

C.  Reference to investigative procedures, such as fingerprints, polygraph examinations, ballistic tests, or forensic services, including DNA testing, or to the refusal by the defendant to submit to such tests or examinations.

D.  Statements concerning the identity, testimony, or credibility of prospective witnesses.

E.  Statements concerning anticipated evidence or argument in the case.

F.  Any opinion as to the defendant’s guilt, or the possibility of a plea of guilty to the offense charged, or the possibility of a plea to a lesser offense.

The public and the media are encouraged to review Rule 3.6 by clicking here.

Track a Case

To locate case specific information, follow the steps below:

  1. Click here.
  2. Select Oklahoma County District Court in the COURT SELECTION box.
  3. Enter the case number in the SEARCH BY CASE NUMBER box or enter the defendant’s name in the SEARCH BY PARTY section
Jury Duty

The Court Clerk prepares and issues about 1,800 jury summons each month except July and August when no jury trials are held. Names are selected at random from the list of licensed drivers or persons holding a current state identification document.


Security measures are in effect in the Oklahoma County Courthouse. Every effort will be made to expedite jurors’ passage through security. You can help by not carrying certain items to the courthouse. Prohibited items include weapons of any kind; knives of any size; chemical sprays; laser pointers; firearms and ammunition. Security Personnel may also prohibit possession of any other items or materials deemed dangerous or otherwise inappropriate. The Jury Assembly Room opens at 7:30 A.M.

Being Excused from Service

In the event you believe you have compelling reasons that justify your being excused from jury duty, you shall appear at the County Office Annex Building, at 3 p.m. on the Friday immediately before the Monday on which your jury duty is scheduled to begin. At that time, the Chief Judge will hear your reasons and decide if you will be excused. Bring any papers supporting your excuse with you. Requests for excuse will not be considered at any other time. However, if you are 70 years of age or more and wish to be excused from jury service, you may be excused, by state law, by telephoning the Jury Clerk at 405-713-1102, prior to the reporting time to assert your exemption.

Appropriate Court attire is required.

Jurors should dress comfortably and in good taste, keeping in mind the dignity of the courtroom and the seriousness of the matters to be decided. Shorts, tank tops or thong sandals are not permitted. The normal period of jury service is usually 2 to 3 days, but may last longer. Plan to be there at least Monday and Tuesday. 


Parking is available at the parking facilities listed on the Parking page. Note: If you are serving on a Jury, please do not park at the meters, as you will not be available to put money in them throughout the day.

For the latest parking information, please visit our Parking page.

Criminal History Check

Anyone interested in obtaining the criminal history of an Oklahoma County defendant can go online to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) Criminal History Information Request Portal (CHIRP) by clicking here.

Inmate Locators

Oklahoma County Detention Center

Click here to search for an inmate.


Oklahoma Department of Corrections

Click here to search for an inmate.

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