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"There's Nothing Stronger Than The Heart of A Volunteer." – James H. Doolittle

Welcome, we're glad you're here!  The Oklahoma County Juvenile Bureau (OCJB) is always looking for volunteers to enrich the programs and services that we offer to our youth.  We believe that everyone has something to contribute, and we are eager to find a good fit for you within our organization. Register to volunteer today!

 Note: Volunteers must be over the age of twenty-one.

To begin your journey as an OCJB volunteer, please complete and submit the Online Volunteer Application below.

If you have any questions, please email Sheila Anderson.

Contact Information
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  • This authorization is in compliance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-579). The information you authorize to be released will be used to verify information provided in your application and is necessary for a specific position. If any information you have provided is determined to be false after acceptance, your programwill be terminated immediately. Information determined to be false prior to acceptance will result in your not being placed with the program.

    The information obtained as a result of our signature on this authorization will be furnished to the designated officers and employees of Oklahoma County to verify information necessary to process your application. 

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