Employment Forms | Salaries
The Oklahoma County Clerk is responsible for producing Oklahoma County’s payroll each month as provided for in Title 62 Oklahoma Statutes (2001) Section 304.1. The Oklahoma County payroll is prepared monthly for the more than 1,700 employees and 250 retirees. This process requires real team work from all of the departments and offices within Oklahoma County Government. The Board of County Commissioners is required to approve all payroll authorizations prior to payroll being distributed to the employees and retirees.
During the month of February it is the mandatory duty of the Board of County Commissioners to cause to be published a full and complete report of all the county employees and their salaries paid annually. An asterisk is placed in front of the names of employees paid for less than the full 12 months of the preceding calendar year. The listing reflects the gross salary of every employee reported to the Internal Revenue Service on the W-2 Form of the employee. (Title 19 O.S. (2001) Section 444) The Board of County Commissioners shall set the salaries for all elected county officials within the limits allowed by law. (Title 19 O.S. (2001) Section 180.74.B) Annual Salary Report 2024 (PDF).
320 Robert S Kerr Avenue, #203 Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Hours Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm
Address: Yanta District, XianShi, Shaanxi, China
Tel: (+086)-2566-8799
Email: sample@gmail.com
Hours: 8:00am-5:30pm (Mon-Fri)
Address: Oklahoma City, OK
Tel: 405-270-0082
Email: sheena.youngers@oklahomacounty.org
Hours: 7 am - 4 pm (M-F)