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To offer relevant educational opportunities in ad valorem appraisal and administration, and to promote professional development of our members.


This chapter was founded in 1985 to help in the advancement of the objectives of the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) in Oklahoma, which are:

  • To promote uniform and equitable principles of assessment through professionalism
  • To gain recognition by governmental authorities of the assessing profession
  • To improve assessment standards through education, modern methods of efficient technology
  • To work to educate the public regarding the ad valorem tax system
  • To work to provide a clearing house for the collection and distribution of useful information relating to assessment practice, and in every proper way, to promote justice and equity in the distribution of the tax burden
  • To better serve the Oklahoma taxpayers


View the Original Founding Document (PDF)

To: I.A.A.O. Executive Board
Subject: Chapter Charter

Date: January 23, 1985

In order to promote professional assessment practices and standards in the State of Oklahoma we the undersigned request the approval of a charter for a local I.A.A.O. chapter. The chapter is to be located in the Oklahoma City Metro area to serve the entire State until such time there becomes a need for other chapters.

If our chapter is approved we would like to have monthly meetings. These meetings would include presentations by leading individuals in the assessment and related fields. Also we feel they should include reports from the membership regarding any new or pending legislation which would affect Oklahoma assessing practices.

We feel that I.A.A.O. educational programs and standards would guide and benefit our membership and the entire State of Oklahoma through current advancements in the assessment field by using I.A.A.O. approved codes and standards. Our intentions are to introduce I.A.A.O. to all State, County, and private organizations which have an interest in Oklahoma assessing practices.

We would appreciate serious consideration from you the Associations Executive Board in granting us a charter.


What is IAAO?

International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) is a nonprofit, educational, and research association. It is a professional membership organization of government assessment officials and others interested in the administration of the property tax. IAAO was founded in 1934, and now has a membership of more than 7,000 members worldwide from governmental, business, and academic communities.  See more here

How can I become a member of IAAO?

See membership details here

When did Oklahoma become an affilitate?


What other States have local chapter affiliates?

See list here

Want to join the Oklahoma Chapter of IAAO?

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Chapter Bylaws

Download a PDF of the bylaws here.

of the
Oklahoma Chapter
of the

AS AMENDED ON August 2, 2023

ARTICLE 1. General Provisions

SECTION 1.1 Name

The name of the organization is the Oklahoma Chapter of the International Association of Assessing Officers, referred to hereinafter as the Oklahoma Chapter.

SECTION 1.2 Jurisdictional Area

The jurisdictional area of the Oklahoma Chapter shall consist of all Counties of Oklahoma.

SECTION 1.3 Purpose

The purpose of the Oklahoma Chapter is the advancement of the objectives of the IAAO in Oklahoma: to develop professionalism in assessment administration; to raise the standards of the profession; to enhance recognition by governmental authorities of the assessing profession; and to promote recognition of qualified, objective, and unbiased assessors of property values.

The Oklahoma Chapter shall also work to: educate the public regarding the ad valorem system; work to provide a clearing house for the collection and distribution of useful information relating to assessment practice; and in every proper way, to promote justice and equity in the distribution of the tax burden.

SECTION 1.4 Memberships

Membership in the Oklahoma Chapter is open to regular and associate members of IAAO in good standing, members of the County Assessors’ Association, employees of the Ad Valorem Division of the Oklahoma Tax Commission, employees of Oklahoma State University involved in county government/county assessor training, honorary life chapter members, and other persons actively involved in the assessment profession.

Membership shall not be limited in any manner based upon race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, or gender.

ARTICLE II. Chapter Officers

SECTION 2.1 Chapter Officers

The governing officers of the Oklahoma Chapter shall be elected by the membership, must have regular member status, and shall be composed of the following positions:

President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer and Immediate Past President elected for one-year terms, and two Executive Board Members-at-large elected for three-year terms by the chapter membership.

SECTION 2.2 Executive Committee

The Oklahoma Chapter’s governing officers, meeting as the Executive Board, shall be the governing body of the Chapter.

The Executive Committee shall be composed of the following Officers: President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Immediate Past President, and two Executive Board Members-at-large.

The President of the State Assessors’ Association, the state IAAO Representative, and the Director of the Ad Valorem Division of the Oklahoma Tax Commission shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Board.

SECTION 2.3 Duties of the Chapter Officers

The Oklahoma Chapter officers shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

The President shall preside at chapter meetings and at executive board meetings, perform all general administrative duties for the Oklahoma Chapter, and shall appoint all necessary committees of the Oklahoma Chapter.

The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his or her absence. The Vice President shall also be responsible for reporting on IAAO Executive Board elections and making the Oklahoma Chapter aware of such IAAO elections and candidates for such offices.

The Secretary-Treasurer shall take all minutes of all Chapter and Executive Committee meetings, provide general notification of same, and maintain all official correspondence of the Oklahoma Chapter. The Secretary-Treasurer shall also keep all books and financial records, and make such records available to the Audit Committee for its annual review of chapter financial reports and records.

Executive Board Members-at-large shall serve on the Executive Board and assist the other officers with the administration of the Oklahoma Chapter.

ARTICLE III. Nominations and Elections

SECTION 3.1 Nominations of Chapter Officers

The President, by and with the consent of the Executive Board, shall appoint a Nominating Committee of at least three (3) members. It shall be duty of the Committee to nominate at least one member for each elective office existing in the Oklahoma Chapter. Nominations shall be reported to all members of the Oklahoma Chapter prior to its annual meeting at which the elections are to take place. Additional nominations may be made from the floor by any member in good standing.

SECTION 3.2 Elections

All Oklahoma Chapter Officers shall be Regular or Associate members and shall be elected by the attending membership at its annual meeting. Results of the votes cast will be certified by the secretary of the chapter, stating the number of ballots cast for each nominee by the Nominating Committee appointed under Article III, Section 3.2

SECTION 3.3 Vacancies

Any vacancy occurring in the Oklahoma Chapter officers will be filled by the officer next in rank after appointment by the Executive Committee for the balance of the unexpired term. Vacancies of any Executive Board Member-at-large shall be filled by presidential appointment with the concurrence of the Executive Board to serve until the next regular election.

ARTICLE IV. Chapter Meetings

SECTION 4.1 Regular and Special Meetings

Three regular meetings will be held annually, at the time and place specified by the President, at times and places convenient to the state-wide membership. In scheduling such meetings, an effort will be made to coordinate some meetings with the State Assessors’ Association to maximize participation by all assessors across the state. An annual meeting shall be scheduled in the fall each year for the purpose of electing chapter officers, establishing meetings schedules and programs for the year, and presenting an annual Treasurer’s report of the Oklahoma Chapter’s finances and the annual budget as prescribed in Article VI.

Special meetings may be called by the Executive Committee from time-to-time.

ARTICLE V. Amendments to the Chapter By-Laws

SECTION 5.1 Amendments to the Chapter By-Laws

Chapter By-Laws may be amended at the recommendation of the Executive Board and approval of a two-thirds vote of the Oklahoma Chapter members present and voting. All members shall be notified in writing or email of any proposed By-Laws changes.

ARTICLE VI. Chapter Funds

SECTION 6.1 Chapter Funds

The Executive Board shall instruct the Treasurer as to the desired method for the receipt and disbursement of the Oklahoma Chapter’s funds, including the keeping of all related records. The Treasurer, in concurrence with the Executive Board, shall prepare and adopt an annual budget for presentation to the membership at the Annual Meeting. Membership dues, independent of the International Association dues, shall be $15.00 per year unless increased or decreased by a vote of the membership, and shall become due July 1, of each year.

ARTICLE VII. Scholarship Fund

SECTION 7.1 Scholarship Fund

In honor of his long-time membership in IAAO and services to Oklahoma, there is hereby created a George C. Keyes Scholarship Fund to provide financial assistance to Oklahoma Chapter members to attend IAAO courses and to assist with expenses related to attainment of an IAAO designation.

ARTICLE VIII. Audit Committee

SECTION 8.1 Audit Committee

There is hereby created an Audit Committee composed of three members appointed annually by the President. The duty of the Audit Committee shall be to report on their review of the Treasurer’s report, comment on the completeness of records, and offer any suggestions.
No member shall serve more than two consecutive years on the Audit Committee. No more than one member of the Audit Committee shall be an officer of the Oklahoma Chapter.


SECTION 9.1 Awards

The IAAO Chapter hereby establishes four awards for service, professionalism, and innovation in the field of ad valorem assessment. These awards may be awarded on an annual basis upon recommendation of the Executive Board.

1. Outstanding Oklahoma IAAO Member
This is awarded to a member other than the current President, Vice President, or Secretary- Treasurer, who has made an outstanding contribution to the improvement of the assessment profession and the IAAO Oklahoma Chapter during the year. The award may be presented every other year or annually. It may only be awarded twice to one individual.

2. Outstanding Service Award
This is awarded to an individual, jurisdiction, or agency for outstanding service to the profession for model programs, innovation, service to taxpayers, development of technology, educational programs, or other similar service. The Executive Board shall make recommendation for this award, and, if warranted, it may base its selection on size of jurisdiction with awards for larger and smaller jurisdictions. It may be awarded only twice to one group within four years. It may be awarded to a person outside the assessment profession in the area of journalist, public administration, legislative or state elected offices by recommendation of the Executive Board.

3. Honorary Life Chapter Member
The Oklahoma Chapter may confer the honor of Honorary Life Chapter member upon the retirement from public service to an IAAO Oklahoma Chapter member in good standing. Such members shall not be required to pay annual Oklahoma Chapter dues.

4. George Keyes Award
Established in honor and remembrance of the Chapter’s first President, the George Keyes Award annually acknowledges an Oklahoma IAAO Chapter member for their professional integrity within the assessment field. Nominees are required to be an active member in good standing with the Oklahoma Chapter, and are members who have made a significant contribution to the association through active participation in its activities. Consideration is given to leadership, service and participation in both the IAAO Oklahoma Chapter and the IAAO itself.

ARTICLE X. Representation at Annual IAAO Conference

SECTION 10.1 Representations at Annual IAAO Conference

The Oklahoma Chapter hereby establishes a policy, subject to approval of the Executive Board as to the financial state of the Oklahoma Chapter, to provide assistance to the President and other officers to attend the annual IAAO Conference. Such award will only be made if the officer desires to attend and needs the assistance. Funds may be provided for registration, hotel, and travel upon documentation. The award shall not exceed $1,500 per officer, as approved by the Executive Committee.

The Oklahoma Chapter, upon recommendation of the Executive Committee, may provide financial assistance for up to two chapter members to attend the annual meeting of the IAAO. The member must request assistance in writing and must have never before attended one of these meetings. The Executive Committee will recommend the amount of the assistance, but such assistance shall not exceed the total cost of the registration fee and convention housing. The total amount awarded per member shall not exceed $1,500, as approved by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will select the members to receive the assistance.

SECTION 10.2 Support of Members Seeking IAAO Office

The IAAO Oklahoma Chapter hereby establishes a policy, subject to approval of the Executive Board as to the financial state of the Oklahoma Chapter, to financially support Oklahoma Chapter members who are candidates for IAAO upon vote of a majority of Oklahoma Chapter members present.

ARTICLE XI. Chapter Member Roll

SECTION 11.1 Chapter Member Roll

The Oklahoma Chapter hereby honors the contribution of all IAAO Oklahoma Chapter members by establishing and maintaining a list of IAAO Chapter Presidents and officers and a list of all present and past members of the Oklahoma Chapter. The Oklahoma Chapter Member Roll shall be presented at the annual meeting in honor of past and present members, noting retirements, and memorial of deceased members.

ARTICLE XII. Social Service Projects

SECTION 12.1 Social Service Projects

The Chapter is authorized to designate special service projects or charitable organizations that the Oklahoma Chapter will support each year. Such projects will be submitted by the Executive Committee and selected by a vote.

ARTICLE XIII. Political Activity and Lobbying


The Oklahoma Chapter shall not take part in political campaigns, partisan politics, or lobbying of the Oklahoma Legislature or the United States Congress. It may provide information or data on matters of public policy.


Nothing in this article shall be construed as related to IAAO Chapter members’ personal activities in the political process, to holding of election office, participation in political campaigns, or exercise of their right of political association or freedom of speech.